ECheckOUT generates the information, images, category structure automatically based on Checkout data. Includes Checkout Store license.
Online catalog of products including images, extended descriptions and prices according to user preference.
Virtual shopping cart experience with the ability to access the products by category, brand and search by description.
It is possible to add a costumer Online and to choose between only allowing access to those who can identify or allowing an anonymously shopping experience.
Handling of multiple billing and shipping addresses.
Possibility of payment by credit card, payment in store or home delivery.
Allows the client to define lists of favorite products and to make comparisons between items.
Allows product feedback and evaluation by users.
Implements various formats for products in the catalog that can handle the treatment of wholesale items that require many registers on the display or products you prefer having more images and more extended descriptions.
Allows sorting the products into categories with multiple levels and brands.
Displays outstanding deals on home screen or by category.
It has tools to define markers for search engine optimization results for each product and category (SEO).